Tourism and Sustainable Development Community Project
Quand on parle de gestion de sites en Haïti, il faut faire allusion notamment à plus de 500 sites environ répertoriés, mais abandonnés à leur sort, peu ou inexploités ». 1
As part of the implementation of our project tourism and sustainable community development (TDCD), we intend to move the website to make Online and Distance Learning Education throughout the apprenticeships and skills-trades professional training and post-secondary programs in environmental protection and conservation of biodiversity, heritage and tourism cultural, sustainable tourism; management of tourism, hospitality and catering and also events management through the project Website’s Canadian ODL in TH&R Management to support sustainable community development through the magnificent rehabilitation of heritage and historic sites, such as forts & fortifications, natural sightseeing’s and tourist attractions.
The target audience of this dynamic website will consist of learning and learners are young adults who are enrolled with a 12th high school diploma (in the third cycle in the Haiti’s education system and graduated with the Baccalauréat 2ième Partie Diploma also knows a Terminal II Diploma or equivalent, or qualifying work experience) and will be able to develop ecotourism circuits, cultural, natural and historical heritage by strengthening the activities of tourism promotion in their local communities around rural land in Haiti. This project engendered strong economic benefits since, in the short term, qualifications and thus provides excellent employment opportunities to many young Haitians from rural communities. Also to young adults in local communities will learn what they need to do to manage the protection to rebuild the environment and biodiversity.
This project sustainable community development will also allow the same time contribute to the protection of the environment in their local communities as well as the strategy of environmental protection and biodiversity at the national level in their Peyi Ayiti.
Following the disclosure of the International Statistical Travelers’ public report in May 2007 up today by the governing body, l’Autorité Aéroportuaire Haïtienne (AAH) (Haitian Airports Authority). All Statistics reports continuously showed that travelers including business travelers and tourists arrived especially during peak periods during the summer holiday, the season of Christmas and New Year. Since the descendants of origin Haitian especially it’s Diaspora traveled mostly during carnival time « Mardi-Gras » in February and in July, periods of religious beliefs, community feasts, country fairs and harvest in order to attend religious festivals during the summer in their native region.
Cultural tourism requires double training, both in cultural and heritage studies and management of small and medium enterprises. « Le tourisme culturel exige une double formation, à la fois en études patrimoniales et culturelles et en gestion de petites et moyennes entreprises, croient les organisateurs du colloque international autour du thème « Patrimoine, tourisme culturel et développement durable en Haïti : enjeux et perspectives d’avenir ».
« La formation des étudiantes et étudiants, ainsi que des professionnelles et professionnels, sur les notions de patrimoine et de la culture, se révèle également capitale pour la concrétisation du projet d’un tourisme culturel florissant en Haïti »2. Indeed, those skilled workers with degrees or training in the needed professions and/or skilled trades will be able to sustain the small medium-sized businesses and micro-enterprises in Tourism, such as Cultural Tourism, Ecotourism, Recreatourism, Agro-tourism, Adventure and Leisure Tourism and, to create a tourism circuit by strengthening existing elsewhere in the countryside regions.
Entrée du Portail du Palais de Sans Souci du Roi Henry Christophe &
Chapelle du Palais de Sans Souci (Département du Nord), Haïti
Saut du Baril Haiti is next to Cléry and is located
in Department of Nippes. Courtesy by Claude Saint-Rome
Since the announcement of the initiative program Sustainable Tourism – Eliminating Poverty (ST-EP) through sustainable economic activities through tourism and biodiversity conservation by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) based Madrid (Spain) and affiliated with the United Nations, the World Summit on Sustainable Development United Nations in Johannesburg August 30, 2002, (South Africa). The program (ST-EP) has received considerable support from several governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), among others The International World Ecotourism Society, which are challenged by sustainable economic development in local communities.
Sustainable Tourism - Eliminating Poverty (ST-EP)
Eight years ago, a Haitian delegation composed of the Minister of Tourism (MT) and Managing Director of aforementioned Ministry, participated from November 25th through December 2nd, 2005, in the sixteenth general meeting of the Madrid-based United Nations Worldwide Tourism Organization (UNWTO) was held at Dakar in Senegal (Africa). The delegates of the hundred and fifteen countries members of the organization discussed the future of tourism in the world more particularly that of the States-members, and introduced ST-EP plan (Sustainable Tourism Development for Elimination Poverty). This plan consists in favoring development and struggling against poverty at the level of the country zones enclosed in countries of Africa and of Latin America. It is about a foundation, which will be established in Seoul (South Korea).
Click on the links below to register for training and professional development.
Coming soon!
Université Francaise d’Égypte au Caire
Master Degree in Cultural Heritage Management
Université Senghor d’Alexandrie en Égypte et dans les campus Senghor
Université Internationale de langue Française
Coming soon!
Central America and Caribbean
Environmental Research Institute - University of Belize
The Master Degree (Graduate) program in Biodiversity Conservation & Sustainable Development is being offered in partnership with the University of the West Indies, Saint Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, the University of Guyana and Anton de Kom University of Suriname
Universidad Quintana Roo
COSTA RICA Turismo Sostenible CST: Certificación para la Sostenibilidad Turística en Costa Rica – Institut Costaricien du Tourisme (ICT)
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
Maestrías que ofrece FLACSO según Unidad Académica:
Sede Académica COSTA RICA
Maestría y Especialidad en Desarrollo Rural Territorial y de una Especialidad en Desarrollo Rural Territorial
Maestría en Desarrollo Económico Local con énfasis en Turismo Comunitario
Sede Académica Répùblica Dominicana
Diplomado en Gestión de Industrias Culturales y Creativas
Université d’État d’Haïti (Ueh) à Port-au-Prince (Ouest). L’Institut d’Études et de Recherches Africaines (ISERSS-IERAH) offre une formation de 1er cycle en Tourisme et Patrimoine (Licence de quatre ans) et un programme de 2ième cycle, une Maîtrise en Histoire, Mémoire et Patrimoine.
Cliquez sur le lien: La Lettre de l’UEH
Université Quisqueya – Faculté des Sciences Économiques et Administrative : Le Programme de Cycle court offre des formations de courte durée du 1ier cycle (deux ans), un Certificat en Gestion et Animation Touristique et un Certificat en Gestion et Conservation de Biens Culturels. pour en savoir plus sur le programme du tourisme à l’Université Quisqueya (UNIQ), cliquez sur le lien pour lire l’article : Nouvelle formation de courte durée en tourisme. Source: Le Nouvelliste Publié le : 19 juin 2013
Université Quisqueya – Faculté des Sciences de l’Agriculture et de l’Environnement offre une formation du 1ier cycle des Programmes de (Licence de quatre ans) en Production agricole, en Protection et aménagement de l’environnement et Agro-économie.
Campus Centro Colón, Paseo Colón, San José I (506) 2258−6290 I I WWW.UTUR.CR
UTUR – La Universidad Especializada en Turismo I Reconocida por el CONESUP
Gestión de Turismo Ecológico
UCI - Universidad para la Cooperacion Inteternacional.
Programas Acadèmicos En: Maestría en Gestión Integrada de Costas y Océanos, Maestría en Gestión de Áreas Protegidas y Desarrollo Ecorregional y la Maestría en Gestión del Turismo Sostenible
UCI – Universidad para la Cooperacion Inteternacional.
Global School of Project Management
Universidad De Quintana Roo, Mexico.
Lincenciaturas en Turismo, Gestion de Servicos Turisticos y Administratiòn Hotelera; Mastrìa en Gestiòn Sustentable Del Turismo. Énfasi En: Gestiòn Sustentable de Empresas Turisticas y Gestion Turidtica Sustentable de Àreas Protegidas
North America
Université du Québec a Chicoutimi (UQAC) (Québec,Canada)
Baccalauréat en intervention plein air
Baccalauréat en géographie et en aménagement durable
Le CÉGEP de Matane offre une formation de DEC en Techniques de Tourisme. La possibilité de compléter le programme en classe ou en formation à distance dès l’automne 2013 en collaboration avec le Cégep@distance.
Centre matapédien d'études collégiales, Amqui (Québec) Canada
Formation a distance
DEC Techniques de tourisme 414.4O - Le DEC en Tourisme est offert par le Cégep de Matane en partenariat avec le Centre matapédien d'études collégiales en savoir plus cliquez sur le site du SRACQ
Le CÉGEP à distance fait partie intégrante du Collège de Rosemont de Montréal (Québec, Canada). Le CÉGEP de Rosemont offre une formation de DEC Techniques en Tourisme 414 AO. Le DEC en Tourisme est offert en partenariat avec le Cégep de Matane.
Université Laval, (Québec, Canada)
L’Institut du patrimoine culturel de l’Université Laval (Québec, Canada Site de l’Inventaire du Patrimoine Immatériel d’Haïti
Université Laval, Ville de Québec (Québec), Canada Programmes d'études de la Faculté de foresterie, de géographie et de géomatique
Formation à distance | Université Laval (ULaval),
Certificat en tourisme durable (30 crédits)
Formation à distance | Université Laval(ULaval),
Certificat en développement durable (30 crédits)
L'université à distance de l'Université du Québec (TÉLUQ) : Le certificat et le programme court en gestion du tourisme sont offerts par la TÉLUQ conjointement avec l’École des sciences de l’administration rattachée à l’Université du Québec à Montréal (ESG UQAM)
Formation à distance et des cours en ligne.
Certificat en gestion du tourisme (4734) (30 crédits)
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) Canada
Site Web du Département d’études en loisir, culture et tourisme
Le répertoire des programmes d’études du département d’études en loisir, culture et tourisme.
Baccalauréats, Maîtrises et Autres programmes de deuxième cycle en loisir, culture et tourisme.
Université de Sherbrooke (Sherbrooke, Canada) - Centre universitaire de formation en environnement et développement durable offre une formation de 1ier cycle, un Baccalauréat en études de l'environnement, un programme de 2ième cycle, une Maîtrise en environnement et les programmes offerts par le CUFE en formation continue: un Diplôme de 2e cycle en gestion de l'environnement, une Maîtrise en environnement - cheminement formation continue, le microprogramme de 2e cycle en vérification environnementale, et le Microprogramme de 2e cycle de perfectionnement en environnement
McGill University
Faculty of Agricultural and Environment Sciences
Macdonald offers a variety of undergraduate degrees, majors and specializations in agricultural and environmental sciences, bioresource engineering, dietetics, food and nutrition, life sciences and agricultural economics
McGill School of Environment
Faculty of Agricultural and Environment Sciences
For those wishing to pursue a career in environment, the MSE aims to stimulate their passion for life‐long learning, their confidence in questioning established norms, their ingenuity and openness to new ideas, and their ability to communicate and contribute effectively in all situations. More...
Carleton University - The Department of Geography and Environmental Studies has three programs of study leading to an undergraduate degree in Geography, Geomatics and Environmental Studies. Students can obtain a B.A. General, B.A. Honours, Combined Honours, B.Sc., or B.Sc. Combined. If you are interested in any of these programs please click on the program or contact Judy Eddy, Undergraduate Administrator.More...
The International ecotourism Society (TIES) offered a professional Certificate in Sustainable Tourism Management, which is awarded jointly by TIES and the George Washington University (GWU) - School of Business: The Master of Tourism Administration Program and the International Institute of Tourism Studies is a world-renowned institution offering graduate, undergraduate, and certificate programs in sustainable tourism destination management, sports management, events management, and hospitality management.
This program has been developed through a partnership with the GWU's International Institute of Tourism Studies, which has provided professional tourism education for nearly ten years.
Distance and Online Learning: These courses, designed as a self-managed process, can be taken online, on your own schedule, in the comfort of your home or office
Certificate in Sustainable Tourism Management (6 courses)
The United Nations University (UNU), established in 1973, is the academic and research arm of the United Nations. It is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan with diplomatic status as a UN institution. Since 2010, UNU has been authorized by the UN General Assembly to grant degrees. The office is located at 5–53–70 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925, Japan. (Source English Study at UNU - Home Admissions
United Nations University offers a variety of postgraduate degree programmes as well as specialized, problem-focused courses. Click here for more information
South America
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
Maestrías que ofrece FLACSO según Unidad Académica:
Université Paris 1 PANTHÉON SORBORNE
Institut de Recherche et d'Études Supérieures du Tourisme IREST Homepage
Université Paris 1 PANTHÉON SORBORNE
L'IREST propose 3 types de formation a vocation professionnelle
Middle East
Coming soon!
International organizations
International Organizations, Affairs Academic and University Networks on the Tourism and Sustainable Development Community
Wecolme to the Developing Sustainability Network!
Manchester Metropolitan University in the Centre for Responsible Tourism with Harold Goodwin. The Centre for Responsible Tourism at MMU will offer a new cutting-edge MSc in Responsible Tourism from April 2014 designed for professionals wanting to make a difference in tourism it will enable Masters students to learn with, and from, current leaders.
LEEDS Metropolitan University in the School of Events, Tourism and Hospitality with Dr. Xavier Font co-director of the International Centre for Responsible Tourism. The School of Events, Tourism and Hospitality offers « The Masters Programme in Responsible Tourism Management primarily attracts mid-career professionals who study whilst continuing their careers in tourism, consultancy, government, conservation, IT, environmental management, law, marketing and a range of other careers. They share a commitment to the values of Responsible Tourism ».
LEEDS Metropolitan University in the School of Events, Tourism and Hospitality offers the COUNTINUE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR PROFESSIONALS (1, 2 or 3 years) in Responsible Tourism Management: Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma and MSc designed for professionals in the UK and around the world operating with a mentoring system.
Solid Distance Learning Education: These programmes designed as a self-managed process, can be taken online, on your own schedule, in the comfort of your home or office. « This method of studying is ideal for professionals in developing countries and Europe/UK alike, as you can continue earning, live at home and get a chance to implement what you learn immediately ».
AMERICAS OAS/SEDI Executive Secretariat for Integral Development - Department of Sustainable Development (DSD)
AMERICAS OAS/SEDI Executive Secretariat for Integral Development - Department of Human Development, Education and Employment (DHDEE)
AMERICAS OAS/Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI)
Department of Economic and Social Development (DESD)
Culture and Tourism
Portal Educativo DE LAS AMERICAS Cursos en Lìnea - Online Learning - Formation en Ligne
Portal Educativo DE LAS AMERICAS - Becas Bourses Scholarships Scholarships for Academic Studies (Undergraduate, Masters, Doctorates)
Ottawa (Ontario), Canada
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Unpublished copyright work – all rights reserved under the right laws in Canada.
This corporation is registered under the Canada Business Corporations Act (CBSA) (R.S.C. 1985, c. C-44). This is the state that governs federally incorporated business in Canada.
- Université Quisqueya (Port-au-Prince, Haïti) FSEA Certificat en Gestion et Conservation de Biens Culturels.
- Jean Elie Paul, Le patrimoine diversifié en Haïti, un catalyseur pour un tourisme culturel porteur dimanche 13 novembre 2011. « Centré sur le tourisme culturel et le développement durable, le colloque international “patrimoine, tourisme culturel et développement durable” , déroulé du 10 au 13 novembre 2011 à l’est de la capitale Port-au-Prince sous les auspices de l’université d’État d’Haïti (Ueh) de concert avec une partenaire québécoise, l’université Laval (Québec, Canada), AlterPrese Édition électronique:
- Discours de Odette Roy Fombrun Promotrice du Kombitisme et du Touris Lakay à l’Université de Port-au-Prince, Promotion 2008, Le Nouvelliste eJournal, Juin 19 2008.