Building Stronger Communities together in Rural Areas
Expectations to meet by enterpreneurships’ youth
In addition, the useful goal is to start-up new small and medium -sized businesses (SMB) and micro-enterprises that will aimed the entrepreneur’s youth projects in the four (4) priorities tourists regions and the capital of Port-au-Prince (Western) mentioned into the Master Plan of Tourism (MPT) 2008, the national document tourist development of Haiti in 1996 and its revision in 2008, evolving, which have been declared to public at a news conference in Jacmel City by Ministry Haitian of Tourism (MHT) dated back of January 28, 2008. The MPT 2008 highlighted 41 projects for a funding envelope of $450-million (U.S) dollars. The MPT 2008 will allow the Ministry Haitian of Tourism to actively seek financing of investment for projects in the private business sector in Haiti and foreign direct investments funds (FDI) from foreign entrepreneurs worldwide.
The above-mentionned outcomes were not all achieved. Only a few projects have been implemented under the revised MPT 2008. « Et ce, du fait que les promesses de financement formulées par des bailleurs de fonds internationaux n’ont pas été pour la plupart honorées. Un ensemble de projets ont été cependant concrétisées au bénéfice du secteur : la réfection de la route Cap-Haïtien/Ouanaminthe (2007), la construction du nouveau Quai de Labadie (2009), l’aménagement de la plage de Port-salut (2009), la construction de l’aérogare de Jacmel (2009), etc.1(Ndlr. Translation follows: And, the fact that the pledges made by international donors were not for the most honored. A series of projects have been materialized, however the benefit of the sector: the rehabilitation of the road Cap-Haïtien/Ouanaminthe (2007), the construction of the new Quai de Labadie (2009), the development of the beach of Port-Salut (2009), the construction of the airport in Jacmel (2009), etc.)

These potential destinations tourists regions are: the capital of Port-au-Prince and the Côte-des-Arcadins Beachfront (Western), the North Economic region including Northeastern, North, Northwestern departments; Southern and South. However, we are taken into account with the interdepartmental transportation projects such roads and bridge constructions, which are being built in these regions. For instance, the road projects are the portion of Port-au-Prince/Hinche, Les Cayes/Jérémie, Port-Salut/ Port-à-Piment, Miragoâne/Petit Trou de Nippes (TBA), and many infrastructure-planning projects in the future. For this reason, we have also thought to include in the MPT 2008 these regions into the priority tourism regions list: the Plateau Central, Grande-Anse, Les Nippes and also rural zones through sustainable farming community tourism activities in the Artibonite and fishing farming in the lakes that are built by fishermen.
The goodwill of this approach is focusing to the needed professions and/or skilled trades of the young adults who lived in those regions towards the skilled trades’ workers that are trained by professional training in those following:
- Creator and/or Web Programmer-Designer and/or Web Designer and/or Web Developer and/or E-Commerce Developer for establishments of international hotels chains, Complex Hotelier in both local and abroad markets, Hotels in Mountains, Hotels & Resorts, Lodging, Guesthouses, Small and medium-sized businesses (SMB) such as in Ecotourism, Recreatourism, Agrotourism and Outdoor Adventure Tourism;
- Geographic Information System (GIS) Analyst;
- Tourism Counsellors in Geography Tourism Studies;
- Entrepreneur New Ventures in complex Hotelier and Tourism and/or Manager Small Business in community rural tourism;
- Restauration (cooking of the rural regions);
- Front Desk Services, and Hospitality and Restauration Management;
- Concierge Services focusing on the clientele or Guests/VIP Services Management;
- Marketing Services Management;
- Tour Guides (walk trek, discovery, museums, arts gallery);
- Cultural Activities (the dances show, the music band, Books Fair, Theatre, a Fashion Show, Festival of Films, etc..);
- Sports Monitors (scuba diving, horses or pony trek tourism, to go windsurfing, etc.);
- Wholesale Travel Councillors in the Wholesale Travel Companies and Tours Operators;
- Tourism and Retail Travel Councillors in the Travel Agencies and Tours Operators;
- Culinary Arts, Pastry and Catering Services Business;
- Complex Hotelier centered on Sustainable Community Tourism and Protection of Environment and Biodiversity Management;
- Tourism & Hotel Accounting and Financial Management;
- Hospitality Administration – for small and medium-sized businesses (SMB) in Hotel and Resort;
- Hospitality Management – for small and medium-sized businesses (SMB) in Hotel and Resort;
- Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management;
- Hospitality – Hotel and Casino Management;
- Hotel and Restauration Management;
- Hostels & Inn Management;
- Hospitality and Guesthouses Management;
- Beach Hotel Resort, Gastronomy & Spa Management;
- Conference Resort & Spa Management;
- Small and medium-sized businesses (SMB) such as in Fitness, Spa and Health Care Management;
- Reception & Banquet Hall Centre Management;
- Conference Centre and Exhibitions Management;
- Training and Conference Centre Management;
- Conference and Conventions Facility Management;
- Outdoor Adventure and Ecotourism Management;
- Resource Recreation and Tourism Management;
- Events of Entertainment, Leisure and Sports Management;
- Events of Cultural Activities and Pilgrims Tourism Management;
- Property Commercial Brand of Hotel Chain Management;
- Finance investment Portfolio Management in commercial real estate and construction for Complex Hotelier, Tourism and Resort ventures;
- Trade Tourism Promotion Agents or Tourism Development Officers are people who will be able to ensure the welcoming and the tour guide (« Front Desk Hospitality Services » at the hotel and restaurant or to provide information, orientation and interpretation services at the Tourist Information Kiosk, to do the animation, accompanying tour guides for overseas travelers and local visitors) as well as the organization of activities for the development of tourism, conduct research, formulate policies and administer programs to plan development projects and coordinate activities related to the promotion of tourism products and services in order to better promote tourist investments more in rural and urban areas.
There are still other careers opportunities that are emerging in the areas of economic activity in Recreation and Leisure; Travel and Tourism, and Hospitality and Restauration industries: creation of new businesses, new jobs, new businesses integrating Information Technology and Communication (ITC), amongst which these professions and/or skilled technicians below-mentioned:
- Manager in Marketing, Tourism and Hospitality;
- Project Leader in Marketing E-mailings;
- Director in Strategy, Pricing, Promotion, Internet;
- Distribution Systems Manager;
- E-commerce Manager;
- Responsable Pricing;
- Responsible Web Pricing et Promotions;
- Yield Management + Pricing = Revenue Manager;
- Optimization Capacity (Yield) Manager;
- Property Assistant Coordinator;
- Web and Reporting Coordinator;
- Webmaster Marketing Sales promotion & Direct Marketing…
- Sustainable Development Director
In order to be admitted into the programs in the formation of apprenticeship and learning professional. An applicant’s admission is granted upon the completion of the programs of postsecondary education and graduated with the Licence or the Licence Professionnelle or a Diplôme Universitaire or equivalent in the Haiti’s education system or the third cycle in the Haiti’s education system and graduated with the Baccalauréat 2ième Partie Diploma also knows a Terminal II Diploma or equivalent, or qualifying work experience.
Note(1). This secondary school graduate diploma is equivalent to the Baccalauréat Français (ECTS-LMD)2, or ACT Year 12 Certificate or High School Diploma or High School Certificate or Certificate of General Education (CGE) in the education system in France, Australia, Québec-Canada, Ontario-Canada, in Mexico, in Spain, Cuba, in Dominican Republic, the United States of America, the United Kingdom respectively, to name a few.
Note(2). It is recognized educational institution in these countries or states or provinces (e.g., trades school, Professional Training Skills Centre, CÉGEP, community college education or university) that determines if the courses taken by a candidate correspond to the third cycle in four (4) years of a secondary school program at the Haitian’s institution which would be previously accredited by the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (Ministère de l’éducation nationale et de la formation professionnelle) in Haiti.
This information is meant to serve as a general guide for students intending to major in Hospitality and Restaurant Management, Food and Beverage Management, Culinary Arts, Food Service Management, Travel and Tourism Management, Tourism, Leisure and Outdoor Recreation Management, Adventure Tourism, Geography Tourism Studies, Ecotourism Studies, Environmental Sciences and Forestry Studies and, Convention, Meeting and Events Planning and related service industries. Specific requirements for transfer will vary from school to school. It is the future student’s responsibility to contact his/her four-year degree school, e.g., a Business Administration Bachelor of Science Degree Program, Master of Science in Hospitality & Tourism, MBA in Hospitality & Tourism, M.Sc. Applied in Environmental Sciences and Forestry Studies to name only a few, please visit their Website, send an email or call the registration office to confirm specific admission requirements.
Ottawa (Ontario), Canada
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This corporation is registered under the Canada Business Corporations Act (CBSA) (R.S.C. 1985, c. C-44). This is the state that governs federally incorporated business in Canada.

- Repenser le rôle de l’État dans le développement du tourisme en Haïti…!!! Par Ulrick-Emmanuel NOËL. MSC. Fulbright Fellow. Le Nouvelliste Édition électronique du 30/06/2011. Consulté le 4 octobre 2013.
- Though from 2010, in Europe all universities would be applied the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) as well as know (Licence, Master, and Doctorate) LMD: Bac +3; Bac +5, Bac +8 years study.