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Copyright © 2014
Ministère du Tourisme, Haïti
The Gateway to Online and Distance Learning Professional Resource Center (ODLRC) focusing on Entertainment, Leisure and Sports, Trades for Marine, Hospitality and Restauration, and Travel and Tourism Studies Management is now up and running. Created to enable property owners, teachers, chief executive officers and managers of those local hotels establishments of any size in Haiti and abroad to share best practices and solutions, the Gateway will also provide public and business sector communities of practice with restricted forums to share information, documentation and hold discussion groups in a formal, standard «Common Look and Feel» environment. The Gateway will also continue to provide information on learning and professional development for skilled working adults who would like to hone their skills and advance their careers through the continuous learning of apprenticeships and skills-trades professional.

Credit photo Les Roches International School of Hotel Management © Copyright 2014
Hospitality management degrees for a career without boundaries. Les Roches International School of Hotel Management offers Graduate Degrees : a MBA Hospitality Management, a Post graduate, Postgraduate Degrees in Hospitality Management, and Undergraduate Degrees : BBA in International Hotel Management, BBA in Global Hospitality Management and Les Roches Hotel Management Diploma
This training in a job can acquire the skills trades and technologies for learning and professional development in the sectors of economic activity in the Hospitality and Tourism. To do this, ODLRC© will specialize as a facilitator through the ICT/E-Learning Gateway to the best Trade and Technical Colleges, Higher Education in Schools of Business and Universities. These large international resources offer programs of postsecondary education and vocational training in the Recreation and Leisure, Travel and Tourism; Hospitality and Restauration; Food & Beverage industries.
ODLRC© will be also directed to students whom would like to begin a new career or continue learning new skills in small and medium-sized business management.
Furthermore, Information and Communication Technologies (ITC) using widely in the Business Model of both hospitality and restauration, travel and tourism sectors and to be able doing the Today’s Business Management© in one the high demand fastest growing fields for future employment and opportunities to create sustainable jobs elsewhere in the regions in the following activities economic sectors:
– Recreation and Leisure
– Travel and Tourism
– Hospitality and Restauration
– Food Preparation
– Food Distribution

Credit photo the Royal Roads University © Copyright 2014
The School of Tourism and Hospitality Management of the Royal Roads University is focusing on « a tourism and hospitality management programs bring together current and future industry leaders in hospitality, tourism, destination development and sustainable tourism development ». Programs offered by the School of Tourism & Hospitality Management: a Master of Arts in Tourism Management, Bachelor of Arts in International Hotel Management and a Bachelor of Arts in Global Tourism Management

Palais Sans Souci du Roi Henry Christophe à Milot (Département du Nord) Haiti
Where quality and excellence in the online and distance learning
and through the tandem of professional training and job market expectations are lining up.

Abakay Bay – Île-à-Vache
(Département du Sud)

Labadie Resort Costal Beach
(Département du Nord)
Ottawa (Ontario), Canada
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