Directory of Programs
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ESG UQAM - École des sciences de la gestion - Tourisme
Avec l'accréditation TedQual, l’Organisation mondiale du tourisme nous classe parmi les meilleures institutions d’enseignement en tourisme au monde.
Nous dispensons une formation en gestion du tourisme aux trois cycles dont la qualité repose sur une équipe d’experts chevronnés. Source Copyright ESG UQAM 2015
United States
Read before undertaking graduate studies in all colleges, Graduate Schools and universities in USA.
Kogod School of Business at American University D.C. offers a Master of Science in Sustainability Management. Serving students in the traditional classroom.
American Public University, School of Business, APU Degree Programs in Hospitality Management & Food, Restaurant Operations and more… « We integrate new technologies to keep the classroom interesting and up-to-date ». The University offers an Associate of Arts in Hospitality, a Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality, and the Undergraduate Certificate in Restaurant Operations. The Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Management at the University is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
Welcome to Auburn University Distance and Continuing Education Degree Programs & Courses Online - Resources for Distance Education.
Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
The department Nutrition, Dietetics, and Hospitality Management within the College of Human Sciences offers an undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management (BS-HRMT).
The Department of Nutrition, Dietetics, and Hospitality Management, a unit in the College of Human Sciences, offers graduate studies leading to a Master’s degree with emphasis in Hotel and Restaurant Management, HRMT. The Master of Science (M.S.) degree is designed to provide advanced education for the rapidly evolving hospitality field. Students have a choice of two study options: the on-campus thesis or non-thesis program (non-thesis also offered in distance education format).
The department also offers a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Nutrition, Dietetics and Hospitality Management with an emphasis in Nutrition or Hotel and Restaurant Management.
Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana
The Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS for short) offers a bachelor degree either a BA, which requires a language component, or a BS that requires the completion of a minor. Popular minors include business management, tourism, entrepreneurship, marketing or residential property management. The Family and Consumer Sciences department is accredited by the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
The Department of Geography within the College of Sciences and Humanities offers a bachelor degree in Travel and Tourism
Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana
The Department of Geography within the College of Sciences and Humanities offers a bachelor degree in Geographic Information Science (GIS)
Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management (NREM) within the College of Sciences and Humanities offers six (6) Bachelor Degrees Major Concentrations in Natural Resources and Environmental Management. « For Students enrolled prior to Fall 2010, your curriculum path will follow one of the below concentrations:»
Environmental Communication/Interpretation
Environmental Management
Land Management
Natural Resource Studies
Occupational/Industrial Hygiene
Park and Recreation Management
Stratford University’s Falls Church Va. Campus in Tysons Corner near Washington D.C. The Stratford University offers the following graduate and undergraduate programs online: Master of Science in International Hospitality Management (MSIHM); Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Management (BAHM) and an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Hotel and Restaurant Management.
Stratford University completes affiliation with Baltimore International College. Baltimore International College Culinary Arts - Hotel Management - Catering Management
Black Hills State University - Spearfish, South Dakota
The Black Hills State University offers the Master of Science in Sustainability degree which is offered entirely ONLINE.
Black Hills State University, the Tourism and Hospitality Management (THM) Program is a specialization within the Business Administration Major (BADM) in the School of Business. College of Business & Tourism - Department of Tourism offers the Associate Degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management from BHSU.
Study Hospitality and Tourism Programs in the USA. Here the list of schools, colleges and universities in the USA that specialize in the best Hospitality and Tourism Programs.
Hospitality 1ST and Small Business Hospitality Association™. Special Hospitality 1ST Report “Schools of the Hospitality Industry”. The resource currently lists one-hundred (130+) schools from the USA, Canada, Europe, Hong-Kong (China) and Australia.
Hospitality Management Graduate Programs
These results contain 236 campus & hybrid & online accredited graduate degree programs & graduate schools in the field of business & mba, subject of hospitality management at the certificate & doctorate & masters levels in all locations from all types of institutions.
33 Online Hospitality Management Graduate Programs in China & Spain & Canada & Switzerland & United Kingdom & United States
E-Commerce Graduate Programs
These results contain 127 campus & online accredited graduate degree programs & graduate schools in the field of business & mba, subject of e-commerce at the certificate & doctorate & masters levels in all locations from all types of institutions.
Bermuda Community College, the Division of Business Administration and Hospitality offers an Associate Degree in Culinary Arts, an Associate Degree in Hospitality Management and a Diploma in Food and Beverage Management.
« The Associate of Applied Science Degree (AAS) is designed to prepare students for immediate entry or advancement into employment requiring specialized skills. The degree consists of at least sixty (60) college credits of which at least twenty (20) credits must be general education. An AAS degree programme does not necessarily prepare an individual for entry into the junior (3rd) year of a four-year institution.
Bermuda College - Drexel University Online Education Partnership Program. Please click here for more details:
Drexel University – Philadelphia's technological university offers the Online Master's in Hospitality Management
Drexel's Master’s in Hospitality Management provides students with the skills needed to advance in the hospitality industry. This two year accredited master’s program is offered conveniently online to meet the needs of today’s hospitality and tourism professionals
Central America
Our History
Galen University was founded in September 2003 as Belize’s only privately administered tertiary institution. With an initial intake of only 14 students, Galen’s first program offerings were Bachelor Degrees in Business Administration, Agriculture and Tourism Management. Programs have now expanded to twelve undergraduate degrees and four graduate degrees, with traditional "on-campus" programs and online “off-campus” programs.
As an independent university chartered by the Government of Belize, Galen has, in 11 years, grown its student population to over 550. The University offers its own degrees, as well as an accredited U.S. degree in Mater’s of Education from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. In addition, we recently started recruitng for UNIC programs, some as a dual-degree and others soley as UNIC degrees. Join us as we continue to grow our family!
Distance Learning
Distance Learning is making tertiary education even more accessible with the redesign of its Bachelor Degree in Sustainable Tourism Management. « Program is 2 years and 1 semester, with each course spanning a 5 week period. Students take a course at a time. The Bachelor Degree in Sustainable Tourism Management is 63 credit courses and costs $150 per credit. Successful Applications will receive a 70% scholarship on Galen's usual tuition rate ».
Online Programs "Galen University offers six online, undergraduate programs and four blended, graduate programs across business disciplines and education. Classes are conducted live-online, using the University's video conferencing technology and complementing the University's online academic repository, where class resources are managed."
Galen University's Faculty of Science and Technology offers a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science degree « provides solid training in analytical skills, environmental foundation, and socio-behavioral understanding and management of the environment and natural resources. Students are highly trained on a range of issues related to environmental management and conservation, sustainable development and human involvement in environmental issues. Program Delivery: Courses are primarily held on Saturdays with many courses being offered using a hybrid format (face to face and online) at the Galen Belmopan Campus. This six-semester environmental science program gives students the broad multi-disciplinary subject matter and analytical tools necessary to be successful in such professions as Consulting, Environmental Management and Environmental Protection »
University of Belize, in Belize - The Faculty of Management and Social Sciences (FMASS) offers a Bachelor Degree in Tourism Management (BTOM) and an Associate Degree in Tourism Studies (ATOS)
The University of Belize in collaboration with San Pedro Junior College offers B.Sc. in Tourism Management at Punta Gorda Campus:
University of Belize
UB & San Pedro Junior College Signs MOU meet needs of Belize's development & tourism sector by Office of Public Information
21.02.2012. Copyright 2012 UB
San Pedro Junior College (SPJC) to be used towards the Bachelors in Tourism Management (BTOM) Program.
BTB Awards 9 Scholarships
Copyright 2015 Published in San Pedro Sun. Monday, November 16th, 2015.
University of Belize, in Belize - The Faculty of Science and Technology offers two Associate Degrees: in Marine Science (AMASC) and Natural Resources Management, (ANRM) and one Bachelor degree: Natural Resources Management (BNRM).
Costa Rica
Campus Centro Colón, Paseo Colón, San José I (506) 2258−6290 I I WWW.UTUR.CR UTUR - La Universidad Especializada en Turismo I Reconocida por el CONESUP
Gestión de Turismo Ecológico
South America
Aruba Island
Colegio EPI- Hospitality & Tourism Unit - Hotel School Home Page « EPI Hospitality & Tourism is not a vocational school, nor an upper level high school; it is a full fledged two to three year of college education comparable to the first two years of U.S. colleges with an accredited hospitality & tourism program. Established as Aruba’s Hotel School in 1982 with funding from the EEC, EPI Hospitality & Tourism enjoys much respect at home from both the public and private sectors, and has earned recognition from numerous international schools, organizations, and institutions ».
Colegio EPI- Hospitality & Tourism programs:
Certified Cook
Level/Degree: Associate of Applied Science in Culinary Arts
Level/Degree: Associate of Science Degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management
The Faculty of Hospitality & Tourism Management Studies of the University of Aruba (hereafter FHTMS) offers a Bachelor degree in Hospitality & Tourism Management (B.Sc.). The Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism provides business, (non-) government, and professional communities of Aruba and the region with well-trained, qualified graduates in the areas of Aruban Hospitality & Tourism and International Business Management.
Bahamas Tourism Training Centre (BTTC) at the College of Bahamas (COB)
The Culinary and Hospitality Management Institute (CHMI). Click on AcademicsSchools & Institutes
« CHMI offers basic, professional and academic programmes and opportunities through quality vocational and technical training, professional development and research. These components are delivered through bachelor and associate degree programmes and certificate courses. CHMI students also enjoy opportunities for industry internships. »
Tourism Management
Hospitality Management
Tourism Management
Hospitality Management
Culinary Arts
Hospitality Operations
National Apprentice Cook
Culinary Skills
Food and Beverage Management
Hospitality and Tourism Skills
Hospitality Management: Accounting
Hospitality Management: Supervision
Hospitality Management: Travel and Tourism
Download the Institute’s brochure courses and programmes in Culinary and Hospitality Management
Cayman Islands
University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) offers an Associate of Arts Degree Program in Hospitality Management (AA)
International College of the Cayman Islands (ICCI) offers an Associate of Science Degree in Business Program: Hotel and Tourism Management Concentration
Costa Rica
La Dirección de Capacitación de la Asociación Costarricense de profesionales en Turismo mediante su Centro de Formación e Investigación en Turismo FORMATUR brinda respuesta a las necesidades de capacitación existentes en la industria turística nacional.
La Dirección de Capacitación de la Asociación Costarricense de profesionales en Turismo mediante su Centro de Formación e Investigación en Turismo FORMATUR brinda respuesta a las necesidades de capacitación existentes en la industria turística Ministerio de Educacion Superior de Cuba
list of universities and centres of graduate studies in Cuba
Universidad de Pinar del Rio - "Hermanos Saiz Otes de Oca
Formacion del Profesional
Licenciatura en Turismo
Especialidad de Postgrado en Gestion Hotelera
Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas
Facultad de Ingenieria Industrial y Turismo
Estudios > Pregrado
Licenciatura en Turismo
Programas de Academicos de Postgrados en Turistica y Gestion Hotelera
Facultad de Ciencas Economicas y Empresariales
Licenciatura en Turismo
Centro de Estudios de Manejo de Zonas Costeras
Maestria de Estudios de Manejo de Zonas Costeras
Universidad de Holguín "Oscar Lucero Moya"
Facultad de Ingenieria Industrial y Turismo
Estudios > Pregrado
Licenciatura en Turismo
Programas de Academicos de Postgrados en Turistica y Gestion Hotelera
Diplomado en Eco-Turismo
Universidad de Camaguey "Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz"
La Facultad de Ciencias Ciencias Económicas y Jurídicas
Licenciatura en Turismo
Universidad de las Tunas "Vladimir Ilich Lenin"
Formación Académica de Educación de Postgrados
Centro de Estudios de Direcccion de las Tunas
Diplomados en Administracion - Gestión para el Turismo
Universidad de la Habana
Facultad de Turismo
Estudios > Pregrado
Licenciatura en Turismo
Estudios > Postgrado
Maestrias Gestión Turística
Maestrias en Manejo Integrado de Zonas Costeras
Maestrias en Preservación y Gestión del Patrimonio Histórico Cultural
Especialidad de Postgrado en Gestión Contable y Financiera en el Turismo
Especialidad de Postgrado en Gestión de los Servicios de Alimentos y Bebidas
Dirección de la Actividad Turistica
Noticias: Académicos debatirán sobre Turismo y Sustentabilidad
Universitad de Matanzas Camilo Cienfuegos
Estudios > Postgradao
La Universidad de Matanzas cuenta con las siguientes áreas de conocimiento para el desarrollo de Maestrías y Especialidades:
- Maestría en Administración de Empresas * con menciones en: Gestión de la Producción y los Servicios. Dirección. Negocios.
- Maestría en Desarrollo Turístico
- Especialidad en Comercialización Turística
- Especialidad en Gestión Hotelera
- Maestría en Ciencias Agrícolas en las especialidades de: Producción Agrícola y Animal
- Maestría en Matemática Educativa
- Maestría en Teconolgía Energética
- Maestría en Contaminación Ambiental
- Maestría en Ciencias de la Educación Superior
- Especialidad en Comercialización Turística
- Especialidad en Gestión Hotelera
- Maestría en Pastos y Forrajes
Welcome @ ICUC Online
Inter-Continental University of the Caribbean (ICUC) has been founded by the Curaçao Institute for Social & Economic Studies (CURISES) to continue the delivery of high quality academic and professional training programs. ICUC has a very unique and international approach offering the best academic practices from the European and American continents in a Caribbean environment on the beautiful island of Curaçao.
The School of International Hospitality & Tourism Management offers two degree programs:
- a bachelor program in International Hospitality Management.
- a master program in International Hospitality Management
Caribbean International University ofrece el Bachelor in Hospitality and Tourism combina Administración Turísticas y Hotelera y Administración de Empresas y negocios y es un profesional capaz de desempeñarse en el sector turístico y hotelero con amplios conocimientos de la Administración Empresarial, Marketing y del Potencial que ofrece el sector con criterios de eficiencia, competitividad, calidad y ética, conocer de las buenas relaciones humanas y públicas, capaz de planificar, organizar, dirigir, controlar, desarrollar y emprender empresas turísticas y hoteleras ya sean propias o de terceros.
Está preparado para trabajar en cualquier lugar del mundo.
Caribbean International University ofrece el Bachelor Degree en Turismo, el cual ha sido diseñado en formato totalmente en línea y cuenta con una formación multidisciplinaria.
France - Domtom Archipel Guadeloupe
BP 249
Offre les formations suivantes : Bac Techno Hôtellerie, BTS Option A Mercatique, Gestion Hôtelière et BTS Option B Art Culinaire, Art de la Table, Art du Service et un BTS en Tourisme. Cliquez sur le lien Les Filières - Formations pour en savoir plus sur les filières de formations dans les domaines de la Restauration, de l'Hôtellerie et du Tourisme.
"Le marché du tourisme et des loisirs est un secteur très porteur pour la zone caraïbe et constitue un bassin d'emploi important pour les métiers du tourisme et de l'hôtellerie. Offre la Licence Professionnelle Hôtellerie et Tourisme : Gestions des Entreprises Touristiques - Guadeloupe (BAC+3) en collaboration avec le Lycée de l'hotellerie et du tourisme de la Guadeloupe, va permettre de compléter l'offre de formation en gestion de l'université, et de répondre aux besoins des entreprises et du monde du tourisme."
France - Domtom Guyanne
Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT) de Kourou
Créé par décret ministériel en 1986, à la demande du CNES, l'Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT) de Kourou ouvre son premier département en 1988. Le département "Génie Electrique et Informatique Industrielle" fut le premier à ouvrir.
Aujourd'hui l'IUT propose une offre de formation professionnalisante en deux ans (DUT) ou trois ans (Licence professionnelle) en formation initiale ou en apprentissage sur Kourou et Cayenne
Antenne de IUT de Kourou : Pôle d’excellence Technologique composante de l’Université des Antilles-Guyane, présent sur 3 DOM,
Guyane - Guadeloupe - Martinique
proposant 7 formations diplômantes (DUT).
France - Domtom Martinique
Faculté de droit et d’économie
B.P. 7209
97275 SCHOELCHER cedex
Offre le Master économie spécialité 1 : gestion des entreprises et des institutions financières (Monnaie-Banque-Finance / Entreprises et marchés / Tourisme durable et aménagement)
Institut Universitaire de Formation Continue - Martinique
BP 7209
97271 SCHOELCHER Cedex
Offre le Diplôme Universitaire DU – Tourisme, Communication, Inter-Culturalité
L’Institut d’Enseignement Supérieur de la Guyane (IESG) est une composante de l’Université des Antilles et de la Guyane
2091 Route de BADUEL
BP 792
Guyane française
Offre la Licence professionnelle Protection de l'environnement, Gestion et traitement EBD – Guyane et la Licence professionnelle Protection de l'environnement, Gestion durable et valorisation des ressources naturelles - Guyane
Université Caraïbe est une institution de recherche et d'enseignement supérieur dirigée par un groupe d'universitaires de carrière entourés de nombreux autres spécialistes... En savoir plus
Université Caraïbe - Faculté de Gestion/Comptables - offre une formation de 1er cycle en Gestion et interventions touristiques (une Licence de cinq ans) ou (un diplôme universitaire de quatre ans).
Université d’État d’Haïti (Ueh) à Port-au-Prince (Ouest). L’Institut d'Études et de Recherches Africaines (ISERSS-IERAH) offre une formation du 1ier cycle en Tourisme et Patrimoine (Licence de quatre ans) et un programme de 2ième cycle, une Maîtrise en Histoire, Mémoire et Patrimoine. Cliquez sur le lien: La Lettre de l’UEH
Ministère du Tourisme, Haïti pour en savoir plus sur les réalisations du programme de la Formation du Ministère du Tourisme (MDT). Cliquez sur le lien: Formation en tourisme et hôtellerie. « L’Institut de Formation Hôtelière et Touristique du Sud (IFORHT) dépend du Ministère du Tourisme. Cette institution située dans la ville des Cayes a été créée au cours de l’année 2013, pour répondre à un besoin de formation dans les domaines de la restauration, du bar et de l’hôtellerie, dans la région Sud du pays ». Cliquez sur le lien: L'Institut de Formation Hôtelière et Touristique du Sud (IFORTH) pour en savoir plus sur les programmes d’étude en Hôtellerie et Restauration.
Université Quisqueya – Faculté des Sciences Économiques et Administrative : Le Programme de de licence en sciences administratives offre une formation du 1ier cycle en Gestion Touristique (Licence de quatre ans). « Le programme fournit aux étudiants une formation qui leur permet de gérer une entreprise du secteur touristique Le programme lui fournit les outils de base pour créer sa propre entreprise ou travailler comme gestionnaire dans l’hôtellerie, la restauration, les centres de loisir et une entreprise d’organisation d’événement ».
Université Quisqueya – Faculté des Sciences Économiques et Administrative : Le Programme de Cycle court offre des formations de courte durée du 1ier cycle (deux ans), un Certificat en Gestion et Animation Touristique et un Certificat en Gestion et Conservation de Biens Culturels. pour en savoir plus sur le programme du tourisme à l’Université Quisqueya (UNIQ), cliquez sur le lien pour lire l’article : Nouvelle formation de courte durée en tourisme. Source: Le Nouvelliste Publié le : 19 juin 2013
Université Quisqueya – Faculté des Sciences de l’Agriculture et de l’Environnement offre une formation du 1ier cycle des Programmes de (Licence de quatre ans) en Production agricole, en Protection et aménagement de l’environnement et Agro-économie.
« L’École Hôtelière d’Haïti (EHH) est placée sous la tutelle du Ministère du Tourisme. Cette institution a été créée au cours des années 1950 pour répondre à un besoin de formation dans les domaines de la restauration, du bar et de l’hôtellerie, cette époque correspondait à l'âge d'or du secteur touristique en Haïti. Détruite totalement par le tremblement de terre du 12 janvier 2010, l’EHH a repris ses activités pédagogiques en janvier 2012 après une longue période d’inactivité, grâce au concours de l’USAID, de la Fondation OASIS et du Ministère du Tourisme. » Cliquez sur le lien: École Hôtelière d'Haïti, Port-au-Prince pour en savoir plus sur les programmes d’étude en Hôtellerie et Restauration et en Technique de Tourisme : Spécialisation comme Guide Touristique
Adresse : 14, 1ère Impasse Lavaud. Port-au-Prince, Haïti
Téléphones : (509) 2811-0194 et (509) 2227-1007
Université Publique du Nord au Cap-Haïtien (UPNCH) a une École Supérieure en Tourisme et Hôtellerie (ESTH). L’École Supérieure en Tourisme et Hôtellerie offre une formation de 1er Cycle dans le domaine du Tourisme et de l’Hôtellerie et de la Restauration: Certificats professionnels orientés notamment aux agents travaillant dans le secteur touristique, hôtelier et restauration; Certificats sur module aux agents travaillant dans le secteur touristique, hôtelier et restauration; un Diplôme Supérieur (Associate Degree de 2 ans et 9 mois - 75 crédits) et une Licence spécialisée (Bachelor Degree de 4 ans 120 crédits). Ce programme universitaire est développé avec l'aide de la The City University of New-York (CUNY) New-York, USA, Academic Programs offered at CUNY. PROGRAM AREA: Hospitality, Travel and/or Tourism « Dans ce programme qui se développe avec la CUNY, les étudiants auront les meilleurs professeurs de la prestigieuse université américaine évoluant dans le domaine et les meilleurs professionnels haïtiens. Des professeurs européens dans le cadre de l’AUF seront invités sans mettre de côté l’expertise des professeurs et experts des pays caribéens. L’expérience de ces derniers sont de grande importance pour une meilleure insertion du pays dans le marché touristique régional ».
The University of the Nouvelle Grand’Anse (UNOGA) is located at Km 05, Dekade, Jérémie, Route Jérémie - Les Irois, Haiti. The UNOGA is « building on the existing technical school departments – Agriculture & Animal Husbandry and Management & Administration – we are introducing university level courses in those fields. To lay a solid foundation for their university courses students begin the university program with a year long General Studies Program. (…) At the end of the year long General Studies program students will receive a certificate conferring international recognition of their studies. After the year of General Studies students can then choose to specialize in a field – Agriculture & Animal Husbandry and Management & Administration. This additional work leading to the equivalent of an Associates or Bachelor‘s Degree. Courses will be given in French, English, Spanish and Creole. »
Haïti - SOFIHDES lance son offre de formation en tourisme
« La SOFIHDES lance son offre de formation en tourisme : La Société Financière Haïtienne de Développement SA a lancé, le mercredi 1ié février 2012, son Nouveau programme de formation en gestion Business Edge articulé spécifiquement pour supporter le secteur du tourisme local. Le programme Business Edge élargit, ainsi, sa palette de formations avec sept nouveaux ateliers spécifiques au tourisme ». Pour en savoir plus lire l'article
University of Technology, The School of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SHTM), offers full-time and part-time programmes in a variety of hospitality and tourism related disciplines. Currently, the School offers the following Degree programmes, all of which are accredited by the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ). The Bachelors of Science Degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management (offered jointly with the University of the West Indies, Mona) and the Bachelor of Science Degree in Food Service Management. The school also offers certificates in Baking Technology, General Catering, Pastry Making and Events Planning and Management.
UTech/JIM School of Advanced Management of the College of Business and Management offers a Master in Business Administration (MBA) - Hospitality and Tourism Management (12 credits). Please click here for more details : Programme Code: UBSHSTMFXU1A
Northern Caribbean University, The College of Business and Hospitality Management is a leading centre of commerce; committed to providing educational opportunities, consistent with the mission of the University. Through the Department of Business Administration and Hospitality Management the college offers specialized programmes of study that lead to several undergraduate degrees and diplomas in Business Administration, Management Studies and Hospitality Management.
The University of the West Indies, Nassau, Bahamas. About the Centre for Hotel and Tourism Management (CHTM) was established in The Bahamas in 1978, it was initially and for many years located on Moss Road in Oakes Field. At its inception The Centre offered the Bachelor of Science degree in hotel management with the tourism management programme coming on stream in 1985.
The Centre for Hotel and Tourism Management (CHTM) offers two undergraduate degrees, a Bachelor of Science in Hotel Management and a Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management.
The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados. The Department of Management Studies offers undergraduate programmes in tourism and hotel management are designed to prepare students for senior positions within the tourism sector. Accordingly, our programmes concentrate on the sector specific skills and areas required by hospitality and tourism professionals. To view the programme structures of our flagship tourism and hotel management programmes please click the links below.
The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados, Taught Masters The Department of Management Studies has a reputation for taught masters programmes that are innovative, relevant, and of high quality. Our graduates can be found in senior management positions in public and private sector organisations. For more information about our taught masters programmes please click on the links provided below
Graduate Programmes: Tourism Presented here is a list of our graduate degree programmes in tourism:
The University of the West Indies Open Campus in Barbados offers a Certificate in Tourism Hospitality Management in the Caribbean. In response to regional demand, the UWI Open Campus has developed three levels of certification in Tourism and Hospitality Management in the Caribbean (THM). The programme is offered entirely online. That means you may arrange your study to fit your life style: you can work from your home, office, hotel room, wherever there is Internet connection.
Who is this programme for?
The Level-I certificate (9 credits) targets persons wishing to familiarize themselves with, and gain entrance into, the field. Level-II (18 credits) targets entry-level professionals, first-line supervisors, and mid-career professionals who wish to renew or update their skills. The Level-III certificate (24 credits) targets mid-, to upper-, level supervisors, managers, heads of organizations, and self-employed individuals.
Western Hospitality Institute
The School of Hospitality & Tourism Management - Academic Programmes - Montego Bay, St-James, Jamaica
The University Of The West Indies
Open Campus
About the Programme:
UWI offers this BSc Management Studies (Tourism and Hospitality Management major) programme prepares individuals to become professionals with the required knowledge, skills and competencies to function effectively in the workplace. Click to Read fully story
Who is this programme for? "The BSc Studies (Tourism and Hospitality Management major) programme targets persons who are currently working, or are desirous of working in any of the numerous areas of tourism and hospitality management within government ministries, private sector entities, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, and any other persons with an interest in the field of study"
Duration of Programme The programme will be offered over 3 years (full-time) and 5 years (part-time).
Award of Degree In order to be awarded the BSc Management Studies (Tourism and Hospitality Management major) degree, students must successfully complete the 90 credits as specified in the programme structure.
Delivery Mode All courses will be delivered fully online. However, some courses may have face-to-face final examinations.
BSc Management Studies (Tourism and Hospitality Management major)
Puerto Rico
Universidad de Puerto Rico en Carolina
La Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Carolina, (UPRC) es la única unidad del Sistema de la UPR que ofrece la modalidad de cuatrimestres, lo que permite completar los estudios en menos tiempo.
Esto, dado a que se especializa en disciplinas sumamente dinámicas y cambiantes como son la Administración de Hoteles y Restaurantes, así como en Turismo. De hecho, la UPR Carolina cuenta con el primer programa acreditado de Administración de Hoteles y Restaurantes.
Republica Dominicana
Virgin Islands
University of Nicosia in Cyprus
School of Business - Department of Hospitality, Tourism and Sports Management offers a Bachelor Degree (1st Cycle) in Hospitality and Restaurant Management (BBA, 4 Years) - Distance Learning and also a Bachelor Degree (1st Cycle) in Tourism, Leisure and Events Management (BBA, 4 Years) - Distance Learning
and more programmes in the Department of Hospitality, Tourism and Sports Management
University of Nicosia in Cyprus
Distance Learning programmes for life-long learners
Home - Universidad de Malaga
Universidad de Malaga - Faculty of Tourism
Degree in Tourism ; Diploma in Tourism ;
Master's Degree in Tourism Management ; Master's degree in E-Tourism
List of Master's Degree
Cliquez sur le lien sélectionné la rubrique Formation-Écoles
Université Paris 1 PANTHÉON SORBORNE
Institut de Recherche et d'Études Supérieures du Tourisme IREST Homepage
University of Liverpool, UK - Online degree Programmes
The Open University UK
World leader in online degrees and the MBA
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Ottawa (Ontario), Canada
International copyright laws apply
Unpublished copyright work – all rights reserved under the right laws in Canada.
This corporation is registered under the Canada Business Corporations Act (CBSA) (R.S.C. 1985, c. C-44). This is the state that governs federally incorporated business in Canada.