Mission and Objectives

  Mission Statement and Objectives of Resources Centre

Our mission has been organized around the Online and Distance Learning Professional Resource Center for Hospitality and Tourism Studies Management. ODLRCÓ will operate as a facilitator through the ICT E-Learning Gateway by setting a repository of the establishments list offering the post-secondary education and skills trade programs through Internet and also paper-based distance with its objectives will have in priority the following:

1) a strong focus on the skills trades and further increasing the number of apprenticeships in the regions;

2) to ameliorate the workforce development by the continuous skills training and learning professional which are the indicators of the permanence of its start-up very small-scale producers and, small and medium-sized businesses (SMB), by all encouraging the start-up co-operative businesses in the regions; and

3) to continue making the sustainable development of its businesses, which are dedicated to the jobs creation in the regions. For instance, the youth entrepreneurs know for sure that « the success of these businesses depends on providing quality education and training to tourist providers1 ».

Ottawa (Ontario), Canada
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 This corporation is registered under the Canada Business Corporations Act (CBSA) (R.S.C. 1985, c. C-44). This is the state that governs federally incorporated business in Canada.



The United Nations 70th General Assembly has designated 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development (A/RES/70/193).
This is a unique opportunity to raise awareness of the contribution of sustainable tourism to development among public and private sector decision-makers and the public, while mobilizing all stakeholders to work together in making tourism a catalyst for positive change.
In the context of the universal 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the International Year aims to support a change in policies, business practices and consumer behavior towards a more sustainable tourism sector that can contribute to the SDGs.

World Tourism Day Sep. 27, 2017

  1. Green Reef has put forth a proposal to the Belize Tourism Board to establish a Marine, Ecology and Tourism Center at San Pedro, Belize. Sanpedrosun.net, Article #2, Vol. 16 No. 44 November 9, 2006

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